Name: -- Frank Species: -- Human Gender: -- Male Level: --2 Class: -- Defense Knight --TTB: Great Knight of Shield Health: 53/53 Mana: -/- Known Languages: -- Common Equip: Weapon: -- Sword of the Necroton Archbishop (b)(22L)(+4 light damage) Off-Hand/Ammo: --Bronze Tower Shield(b)(12L)(+3 physical defense) Head: -- Neck: -- Cloak: -- Chest: -- Tattered Shirt(1L) Pauldrons: -- Belt: --Belt of the Defender (s)(29L)(+6 physical defense) Bracers: -- Gloves: -- Ring: -- Ring: -- Earring: -- Earring: -- Legs: -- Leggings of Knee Nickles(n)(15L)(+3 physical defense) Boots: -- Tattered Boots(1L) Accessory: -- Skills: Befriend Beast (find nearby nut, 1/2ch. try to befriend beast smaller than 3ft by 3ft. Feed nut to beast. Beast will distract 1 foe for next turn in combat and then run away) Attack Skills: Parry (Block foe w/ shield, attack back dealing 20d) Piercing Stab (stab foe dealing 5d. if blocked ignore block) Defensive Stance (1trn)(Stand tall and proud with shield on side, +6 physical defense) Defensive Charge(hold up shield (is a block) and charge foe (5 tiles max) dealing 20d physical. If hit -10d) Staggering shout (Yell at foe, if close make them fall on ground, NOT AN ATTACK, is dodgeable) Rallying Shout(1trn)(Shout that increases party damage +8d for all party members for 1trn of players) Item (10):(5.8) Shirra Stone(t)(H) Shirra Stone(t)(H) Shirra Stone(t)(R) Cleaned Lamb Organs(t)(1L)(edible food) – 1 Disciples Ring(t)(22L)(+4d. with disciple cape) Head of the disciple(s)(20L) Obsidian Jewel(t)(20L)-3 Wolf tail(s)(22L) Goblin Amulet(22L)(t) Goblin teeth(t)(10L)-8 Ruby(t)(7L)-1 Head of Troll(n)(12L)(can sell at taxadermist at value or general store for normal buy price) Money Bag: L: 37 K: 1 M: B: T: